translation / dictionary Lingala - English

congo rdc
Sentence :

all words with the tag count
efúku, pl. bifuku (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
one million (1,000,000)
synonymes : makiasi
tags :
item Article : Counting and numbers
P.S. you can just enter any number on this site and it will be translated into lingala

zero (0)libungutulu, eloko te (nothing)


powers of 10
100nkámá (mókó)
1000nkóto (mókó)
10000monkoko (mókó)
20000minkoko míbalé
100000elundu (mókó)
1000000efuku (mókó)

for milion, you'll also hear : efuku, makiasi, epuna

11zómi na mókó
15zómi na mítáno
20ntúkú míbalé
21ntúkú míbalé na mókó
32ntúkú mísáto na míbalé
43ntúkú mínei na mísáto
54ntúkú mítáno na mínei
67ntúkú motóbá na nsambo
78ntúkú nsambo na mwámbe
89ntúkú mwámbe na libwá
95ntúkú libwá na mítáno

100nkámá (mókó)
101nkámá (mókó) na mókó
110nkámá (mókó) na zómi
115nkámá (mókó) na zómi na mítáno
120nkámá (mókó) na ntúkú míbalé
126nkámá (mókó) na ntúkú míbalé na motóbá
157nkámá (mókó) na ntúkú mítáno na nsambo
200nkámá míbalé
201nkámá míbalé na mókó
210nkámá míbalé na zómi
222nkámá míbalé na ntúkú míbalé na míbalé
500nkámá mítáno
753nkámá nsambo na ntúkú mítáno na mísáto

1000nkóto (mókó)
1234nkóto (mókó) na nkámá míbalé na ntúkú mísáto na mínei
9875nkóto libwá na nkámá mwámbe na ntúkú nsambo na mítáno

other examples
39ntúkú mísáto na libwá
539nkámá mítáno na ntúkú mísáto na libwá
7539nkóto nsambo na nkámá mítáno na ntúkú mísáto na libwá
47539minkoko mínei na nkóto nsambo na nkámá mítáno na ntúkú mísáto na libwá
847539bilundu mwámbe na minkoko mínei na nkóto nsambo na nkámá mítáno na ntúkú mísáto na libwá
6847539bifuku motóbá na bilundu mwámbe na minkoko mínei na nkóto nsambo na nkámá mítáno na ntúkú mísáto na libwá

other words with the tag 'count' : efúku, elóko, elúndu, nkámá, libosó, libwá, míbalé, mínéi, mísáto, mítáno, mwambi, mokó, motoba, ndámbu, nkóto, sambo, tuku, zómi, kotánga, misátu, ndámbo, moambe, mwambe, mineyi, epúná, makiasi, nsambo, kámá, libúngútulú, kóto, libua, miliale, milioni, mokama, yambo, monkoko
one million (1,000,000)
synonymes : efúku, epúná
tags :
elóko, pl. biloko (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
thing, object, belonging, matter, article

pl. biloko
often used for "biloko ya kolia" - things to eat, the food

small thing, insignificant thing (bagatelle)
Eloko nini esalaka yo fier ?
Eloko nini esalaka yo fier ?
© pvh
ekosala eloko te
ekosala eloko te
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
eloko eleki tika eza te
eloko eleki tika eza te
© pvh (Letitia Nkanza Kalawuma)
FARDC - eloko ya makasi
FARDC - eloko ya makasi
src : google images
RDC eloko ya makasi - tokolonga
RDC eloko ya makasi - tokolonga
src : google images
see also : bisaka
tags :
item 49 examples (bandakisa ntúkú mínei na libwá) ...
nasombi biloko ya kolia na wenze.
I bought something to eat at the market.
eloko ya tina
valuable object
mokolo moko te. mbala moko te. eloko moko te. moto moko te. esika moko te.
Never (not one day). Never (not one time). Nothing (not one thing). Nobody (not one man). Nowhere (not one place).
mbongo ya libala / biloko ya libala / likonza
The dowry (for the marriage)
biloko na ndenge na ndenge
all sorts of things
Biloko nyonso ekomi ntalo mingi.
All things became expensive.
biloko olambaki ezali elengi mingi
The things you've prepared are very delicious.
Biloko na yo ezali kilo mingi.
Your luggage weighs a lot.
Nakoki komona eloko te mpo na molili.
I could see nothing because of the darkness.
eloko moko te eleki nguya na Nzambe
Nothing surpasses the power of God (nothing is impossible to God)
mbula ememi biloko ya ndaku
The rain has carried away the things of the house
eloko nalakisa te. Nalingi yo. Nabombi yango na kati ya motema na ngai.
There's something I don't show. I love you. I've hidden that in my heart.
biloko na ngai ? tii lelo !?
My things ? Till today !?
ozosala nini ? - Eloko te, naza na mbetu na ngai
What are you doing ? - Nothing, I'm in my bed.
Namoni ozangi eloko ya kosala. Luka ata mosala ko ! kaka koyungana boye...
I see that you lack something to do. Look even for a job, come on ! just wandering like that...
naboyi biloko nionso ekopesa litomba te
I refuse everything that will not give a benefit
biloko ya matoyi
opesi ngai biloko ya kolia mingi
You gave me a lot of things to eat
wana eza biloko ya papa na bino.
That there is the food of your father.
zongisa eloko ya batu
give back the thing of someone
eloko basalela naza na posa na yango te
The thing that had been used, I don't need it
kolia biloko ya tata na yo te. lia biloko mosusu
Don't eat your father's food. Eat something else.
nani alie biloko na ngai oyo natikaki ?
Who ate my food that I had left ?
otie biloko na ngai wapi. nazomona yango te.
Where did you put your things ? I don't see them.
soki loboko eyebaka pasi oyo lutu emonaka na tango ya kobalusa biloko
If the hand knew how the spoon suffers when stirring the food...
biloko oyo, mafuta ekoki te. ebongi obakisa.
This food, there's not enough oil in it. You should add some.
oza kolamba biloko nini lelo ?
What are you préparing today ?
kolia biloko ya sukali mingi te eza malamu te pona mino
Don't eat too much sweet things. It's not good for your teeth.
komema biloko ya kilo te
Don't carry heavy things.
kobosana kotala biloko te soki ebeli.
Don't forget to look at the food, whether it's done.
boseka ngai, ekosala eloko te
make fun of me, it won't do anything.
kopola ezali eloko ya mabe te
Losing is not something bad.
kende kozwa biloko na yo kuna
Go take your food there.
lia biloko wana nioso. kobuaka eloko te.
Eat all that food. Don't throw anything away.
pona nini olingaka kobuaka biloko ya kolia boye. eza malamu te.
Why do you love to throw away food like that ? It's not good.
nalie biloko nyonso oyo etikalaki.
I ate all the food that was left.
nazolinga kotinda biloko na mboka
I want to send things to the country.
tika nzungu polele pona biloko ebela malamu
Leave the cooking pot open so that the food cooks well.
kosimba biloko ya bato te.
Don't touch the people's things.
Awa biloko nyoso ezalaka ntalo.
Here everything is expensive.
losaka pona biloko oyo oyeli biso
Thanks for the food you brought us.
oza kokumba biloko ebele boye pona nini ?
Why are you carrying many things like that ?
oyo, ezali eloko ya nani ?
this, whose thing is that ?
eloko eleki tika eza te
there is nothing better than to leave it.
Yaka kosunga ngai, naza na biloko ebele ya kolamba.
Come help me, I have a lot of things to prepare.
nake kobalula biloko na moto.
I will go stir the food on the fire.
nalingi ke eloko te ekomela mwana na ngai.
I don't want anything to happen to my child.
bapesi ngai eloko ya kolia te.
They haven't given me anything to eat.
Eloko moko ezotungisa yo.
Something is bothering you.
other words with the tag 'trip' : elóko, sandúku, likoba, tiké
elúndu, pl. bilundu (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
hundred thousand

tags :
nkámásonorous consonant
mokama, pl. mikama (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
hundred (100)

the plural is used only in the expression "mikama na mikama" (hundreds and hundreds)
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
Zaire moko ekokwa makuta nkama
One zaïre is worth 100 makuta
item Article : consonants
In Lingala, sometimes you hear "nsoso" and sometimes you hear "soso". You might get the impression that
it would be free to choose wether to use the first letter m or n when the word starts with two consonants,
but in reality there is a precise rule for it :

In lingala, the first letter m or n may be ommitted for words that start with mp, nt, ns or nk.
(The voiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sonores)

nkama / kamacent
nkingo / kingocou
nkisi / kisimédicament
nkulutu / kulutuaîné
nkoba / kobatortue
mpinzoli / pinzolilarme
mpo / popour
mpamba / pambanul
mpuku / pukusouris
mpongi / pongisommeil
nse / sedessous
nsoso / sosopoulet
nsambo / sambosept
nsango / sangoinformation
nsinga / singafil
ntina / tinaimportance
ntolo / tolotorse
ntalo / talovaleur
ntango / tangotemps
ntaba / tabachèvre

In all other cases, the first letter is mandatory.
(The unvoiced consonants - FR: Les consonnes sourdes)

nzetearbre, baton

bosó (class 14 : abstract nouns - no plural)
in front of, before

ya liboso
nalingi nazala mosani wa molongo ya liboso
nalingi nazala mosani wa molongo ya liboso
© pvh
see also : súka, nsúka, nánu
tags :
item 20 examples (bandakisa ntúkú míbalé) ...
akei liboso na zando, (na) sima akokende mosala.
firstly he goes to the market, afterwards he will go to work.
eteni ya liboso
first chapter
Libala: na liboso nde sukali, na kati ngaingai, na suka bololo.
Marriage: at first it's sweet, in the middle it's sour and in the end it's bitter.
Zoba liboso, mayele na sima.Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
stupid at first, wise afterwards
Lelo ezali mokolo ya suka. Lobi ezalaki mokolo ya liboso.
Today is the last day. Yesterday was the first day.
Azalaki moseka liboso tosibaki.
She was a virgin before we made love.
Namonaki ndunda yango mbala ya liboso.
I saw that vegetable for the first time.
ndaku ya monene, ndaku ya moke, ndaku ya suka, ndaku ya liboso
a big house, a small house, the last house, the first house
lokasa ya liboso
the first page
na liboso aza nani ?
in front, who is that ?
kokenda liboso ezali kokoma te Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To go first is not "to arrive"
koleka liboso na ngai te, ezopesa ngai kanda
Don't pass in front of me, it angers me
mbala ya liboso oyaki awa ozalaki koyoka soni
The last time you were here, you were ashamed.
yoka nanu motuna na ngai liboso ya koyanola ngai
Listen already to my question before answering me.
libanga moko ya monene ezalaki liboso ya motuka na ngai
There was a big stone in front of my car.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
Tika kobeta mukinza liboso na ngai
Stop farting in front of me
Mwana na yo ya liboso, osundola ye.
Your first child, you abandonned him.
liboso ya libala nazalaki malamu na ye.
Before the wedding I was good with her.
Nabengaki liboso ya koya.
I called before coming.
nine (9)
© pvh
tags :
two (2)
© pvh
tags :
item 18 examples (bandakisa zómi na mwámbe) ...
bozalaki mibale, wapi mosusu ?
you were two, where is the other ?
tuku mibale na motoba
two tenfolds and six : twenty-six (26)
bilembo mibale
two points
eyenga eleki nayaki na liyangani ya mibale
last sunday I came to the second cult.
Bolingo na biso mibale ekosila te.
The love between us two will not end.
Namiswaki lolemu kotala batambolaki bango mibale.
I bit my tongue to see them two walk.
lopango na bango ekabwání na biténi mibale.
Their terrain is divided in two parts.
bantaba mibale wana ! moko ntaba ya pembe, mosusu ntaba ya moyindo
There are two goats there. One goat wite, another goat black
naza na bana misato: mwasi moko na mibali mibale
I have three children: One girl and two boys
nalobaka minoko mibale
I speak two languages
bino mibale bolingani mingi
You two love each other much.
asombi tukutuku mususu. akomi na yango mibale.
She bought another scooter. She has two of them now.
oza na bana mwambe na bakoko mibale.
You have 8 children and 2 grandchildren.
nazokende na Kinshasa pona sanza mibale
I'm going to Kinshasa for two months.
Soki bato mibale bayokani te ebongi bakabwana.
If two persons don't get along, they should separate.
banda mikolo mibale azolia te.
Since two days she's not eating.
ngai nalingaka kobota bana mibale kaka
Me, I want to give birth to just two children.
Yezu azalaka na baapostolu zomi na mibale
Jesus had twelve (12) apostels.
four (4)
© pvh
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
nalati lopete na ngai na mosapi ya mineyi
I wear my ring on the fourth finger.
misátuKinshasa version
isatoarchaic, antiquated
three (3)

mokolo mwa misato
wednesday (the third day)
© pvh
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
mbata - isáto
naza na bana misato: mwasi moko na mibali mibale
I have three children: One girl and two boys
aza na zemi ya sanza misatu
She's three months pregnant.
bato misato bayaki koluka yo lelo
Three men came look for you today.
nasombi mapa misato pona bana balia
I bought three loaves of bread for the the children to eat.
five (5)
© pvh
tags :
eight (8)
© pvh
see also : mwamba, muamba
tags :
item 5 examples (bandakisa mítáno) ...
Ngonga nini okokende na musala. ngonga ya zomi na mwambe.
What time will you go yo work ? 6 (18) o'clock.
kingo mwambe
eight necks (the number of folds in a woman's neck is a sign of beauty)
oza na bana mwambe na bakoko mibale.
You have 8 children and 2 grandchildren.
Nawuti komona bambila mwambe liboso ya ndako.
I just saw 8 policemen in front of the house.
Mbula na ngai ezali zomi na mwambe.
My age is 18.
one (1)
a certain...

the same...

all alone
vie eza moko. Kobukana te.
vie eza moko. Kobukana te.
src : Twitter Africell Congo RDC
© pvh
see also : yambo
tags :
item 63 examples (bandakisa ntúkú motóbá na mísáto) ...
yo moko
(all by) yourself
moko na zomi
a tithe (tenth part, as in the bible)
ye alingaki kobala mwasi moko na kombo ya Racele.
He, he wanted to marry a certain Rachel.
Pierre alobi na ye : Te, okosokola ngai makolo ata mbala moko te !© bible, jean 13:8
Peter said to Him : You shall never (not even one time) wash my feet !
mokolo moko te. mbala moko te. eloko moko te. moto moko te. esika moko te.
Never (not one day). Never (not one time). Nothing (not one thing). Nobody (not one man). Nowhere (not one place).
ezali esengo na ngai po na komona moko na moko na bino na liyangani oyo na sima ya nzanga.
It a pleasure for me to see everyone of you in this afternoon cult.
na likolo pela moko awa na nse moko te akokani na yo na nguya na kembo yo 'za nzambe
in heaven as here down below there is no one that ressembles you in power and glory, you are God
pela moko / pelamokoProverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
the same way as..., like..., according to...
poso ekoya mokolo moko eza nakosala te.
Next week, there's a day that I don't work.
ndenge moko
in the same manner, the same way
Kokota zamba yo moko te.
Don't go into the forest alone.
eloko moko te eleki nguya na Nzambe
Nothing surpasses the power of God (nothing is impossible to God)
tofandi na ndako moko.
We live in the same house.
Ata soki natamboli na lobwaku ya molili ya liwa, nakobanga mabe moko te. © bible, banzembo 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
Mokolo moko, nguma akendeki bokila na zamba. Amonaki nyama moko ya monene na amelaki ye mobimba.
One day the python went hunting in the forest. He had seen a large beast and had swallowed it entirely.
tolobi ndenge moko
We spoke the same way. (we said the same thing)
soki okobima sikoyo te, er moko nakoleka na palais.
If you're not going out now, I will pass at the house in an hour.
akei ye moko mpenza
He left really all alone.
bantaba mibale wana ! moko ntaba ya pembe, mosusu ntaba ya moyindo
There are two goats there. One goat wite, another goat black
Nayebi te ! luka yo moko
I don't know ! Search yourself
po na kozwa bis okoki kosomba tiké po na mokolo moko, sanza moko to mbula mobimba.
To take the bus, you can buy a ticket for one day, one month or a whole year.
Yo moko oyebi !
You know it yourself !
koyekola nkota moko ya mboka
to learn a language of the country
masoko solo ya fumbwa epola banda sanza moko
buttocks that smell like fumbwa that is rotten since a month
ezali te po tomelaka na nganda moko, nde tokomi baninga
It's not because we use to drink at the same café, that we became friends
naza na bana misato: mwasi moko na mibali mibale
I have three children: One girl and two boys
keba ! koleka awa te ! libulu moko ezali.
Watch out ! Don't pass here ! There's a hole.
asombi liputa moko lokola ya ngai
She bought the same cloth as me
kokoma na ndako te. leka mbala moko epayi ya tata na yo.
Don't arrive home. Pass at your dad's place for once.
biso na bino, tozali bana ya tata moko na mama moko
we and you, we are children of the same father and the same mother.
nzete moko nde ekweyi awa
There's a tree that fell here.
oza na nkombo moko kitoko makasi
You have a very beautiful name.
mama ya moninga na ngai moko akufi
The mother of one of my friends died.
moyibi moko ayibi ngai elamba na ngai.
There's a thief who stole my garment.
kotika bana bango moko te
Don't leave the children alone.
maman azolamba supu moko ya kitoko
Mama is preparing a delicious soup.
ozali elenge mwasi moko kitoko
You are a beautiful young girl.
naza na kokoso moko ya monene
I have a big problem.
otie ngai na kokoso moko ya kosakana te
You gave me a problem not to laugh about.
na butu ya lelo naloti ndoto moko ya mabe
This night I had a bad dream.
naza na likambo moko ya motuya ya koyebisa yo
I have something important to let you know.
nzoi moko aswi ngai na lokolo
A bee stung me in the leg.
naza na motuna moko ya kotuna yo
I have a question to ask you.
bawuti kopesa ngai nsango moko ya mabe
They just gave me some bad news.
libanga moko ya monene ezalaki liboso ya motuka na ngai
There was a big stone in front of my car.
abandaki kotambola mbala moko akweyi na libulu
She had started to walk. One time she fell into a hole.
baninga na ye babwaki ye na libulu moko
His friends threw him in a pit.
nioka moko aswe mwana oyo
There's a snake that bit that kid.
yaka tokanga foto moko
Come that we take a picture.
Papa na ye atongisi lopitalo moko ya monene na mboka.
His father built a big hospital in the village.
naza kosala makambo ebele tango moko.
I'm doing a lot of things at the same time.
luka mwasi moko oyo akolinga yo na bolingo ya solo
Seek a woman who will love you with real love.
moto moko te alamuki.
Nobody is awake.
ye asekaka ye moko lokola kizengi.
She laughs all alone like a fool.
soki olingi toli moko, zala mosika ya mobali na ngai.
If you want advise, be far from my husband.
Azalaka mwasi moko makasi pe nzunzu.
She's one strong and courageous woman.
Tinda texto na moto moko ya kelasi na biso
Send a text message to someone from our class.
Eloko moko ezotungisa yo.
Something is bothering you.
naponi kombo moko ya kitoko
I've chosen "one of these" beautiful names.
oyo eza ndako na yo moko
that is your own house
nalekisaki ngonga moko.
Il et one hour pass.
ngai na ye tozali makila moko
me and her, we are the same blood (the same family)
Zaire moko ekokwa makuta nkama
One zaïre is worth 100 makuta
six (6)
© pvh
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
tuku mibale na motoba
two tenfolds and six : twenty-six (26)
ndámbo, pl. bandambo (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
ndámbu, pl. bandambu (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))Kinshasa version
part, half, a bit
a portion
tags :
item 4 examples (bandakisa mínei) ...
kozanga koyeba eza liwa ya ndambo Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly)
To lack knowing is a part of death.
yela ngai mwa ndambo ya loso po nalia
Bring me a small portion of rice so that I eat.
lambela ngai mwa ndambu ya ndunda
Prepare me a small portion of vegetables.
na bumbu maki ezotekama ya ndambu ndambu
at Bumbu the eggs are being sold in small pieces
nkóto, pl. bankoto (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))sonorous consonant
kóto, pl. bakoto (class 9/10 (2) : - / - (ba-) : plural invariable from context (or informal/modern ba-))
thousand (1.000)
tags :
nsambosonorous consonant
seven (7)
© pvh
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
bilanga nsambo, ngombe mafuta Proverb/expression (don't translate litteraly) © gen 41
after 7 years, the fat cows (after suffering, the payback)
lotúkú, pl. ntuku (class 11/10n : lo- / n- : in front of t,k,g,s)
bampaka tuku mibale na minei (24)
bampaka tuku mibale na minei (24)
src : YouTube
tags :
item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
tuku mibale na motoba
two tenfolds and six : twenty-six (26)
ten (10)
tags :
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
moko na zomi
a tithe (tenth part, as in the bible)
Mbula na ngai ezali zomi na mwambe.
My age is 18.
Ngonga nini okokende na musala. ngonga ya zomi na mwambe.
What time will you go yo work ? 6 (18) o'clock.
mibeko zomi
the ten commandments
ndeko na ngai ya mwasi alingi kobota bana zomi
my sister wants to beare 10 children
bapaya zomi baye kotala biso
10 visitors came to see us.
nasali kaka mikate zomi.
I only made 10 fritters.
Yezu azalaka na baapostolu zomi na mibale
Jesus had twelve (12) apostels.
kotánga, regular construction (root : tang) (class 15 : ko- (verbs))
to read, to count, to study

to teach (to make study)
derived words : botángi, motángo, motángisi
tags :
item 8 examples (bandakisa mwámbe) ...
Nabandi kotanga buku oyo
I started reading this book
kotanga na lingala.
count in Lingala.
elongo totangi na mongongo makasi.
Together we read with a raised voice.
asalaka te, atangaka
he doesn't work, he studies
bana bakoki kotanga malamu te likolo ya makelele ya wenze mpe solo ya fulu source: Espérance-François Ngayibata Bulayumi, Mosuni
The children couldn't study well because off the noise of the small market and the smell of the dump.
meka nanu kotanga oyo.
Try first reading that.
Tanga makambo nyonso akomi
Read all that she has written.
Mwana na bino alingi kotanga mingi
Your child wants to study much.
epúná, pl. bipuna (class 7/8 : e- / bi-)
one million (1,000,000)
synonymes : makiasi
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libúngútulú, pl. mabungutulu (class 5/6 : li- / ma- (parts of body, fauna, flora,...))
zero, nothing
© pvh
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tags :
before, "once"
see also : mokó
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item 1 example (ndakisa mókó) ...
liteya ya yambo
the first lesson
monkoko, pl. minkoko (class 3/4 : mo- (mu-) / mi- : objects)
ten thousand
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interesting videos : lingala facile 2017 lingala facile 2018
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